A Game By: Brodie Jackson (Jam-alade), Raymond Wang, rat_with_a_keyboard
Navigator is a test-based RPG that is explored via the text parser as well as 2d platforming levels that act as roadblocks in the players path. This was created as an assessment piece for university with two others. I was the main level designer and assisted with programming as needed.
Most of the 2d levels were designed by me, and the others were created with some assistance from me. One thing I really wanted to do was create a sense of progression not just through players being able to do more difficult segments, but also recall small segments from previous levels used elsewhere. This can be seen in the images below.
This first screenshot shows the introduction of the player needing to dash across before double jumping up to a platform.
This second screenshot develops this idea in a more complicated environment, needing them to do the same segment after bouncing on jump pads.
In the final screenshot, the player needs to do the same segment, however, the direction of the double jump has been reversed, requiring the player to make a small modification to their muscle memory.
I also helped with any programming not covered by Raymond. This ended up being the text-based overworld and all its systems. It was quite difficult to plan out all of the different interactions needed and then make it accessible for creation of the world. Although this was a fun experience and I now know many better ways to improve upon this, next time I would likely use a pre-existing text parser to make this process much easier for both me and other people needing to create the world. I would also create a separate program to create the world as there were lots of issues where the text files for each room were off by a single character/line causing issues.